She has such a round head.
She is getting really good at holding her head up so she can sit in her bumbo chair a little bit.
Such great funny faces! She has the Yeates chin-which you can see sticking out pretty good.
Jarod caught this picture of Belle when she was only about 2 weeks old. She has smiled from the very beginning. She smiled at my aunt Linda when she was only 2 days old (she was wide awake and looking right at her).
Belle is doing great. She weighs 9 pounds 11 ounces as of today (she is now in the 15th percentile). She is really starting to gain weight. Last week on Thursday she weighed 8 pounds 14 ounces (10th percentile) so she gained 13 ounces in one week. She is super smiley most of the times when she firsts wakes up in the morning and right after naps. She sleeps so great. Most nights she sleeps at least 6 hours and she will often sleep even 7 or 8 hours. She loves to be swaddled and fights going to sleep until we wrap her up tight. She hates tummy time but she will usually be ok for a couple of minutes than she starts to yell like crazy. She can really get upset fast-there is not a lot of in between with her. She is either happy or instantly upset and she can scream really good! We are loving being in Washington and staying with my family. Its fun to be able to be home and see everyone.