This month has been a good month but an emotional month too. Jarod and I were able to go to Utah and attend my brother Scott's wedding. He married a wonderful girl, Kylie, that we are happy to now call our sister. The wedding was beautiful and the weather cooperated wonderfully on their day. It was so good to be in the temple with all of my family and hear the great message from the temple sealer-he said such amazing things. The temple is such a special place to be and I also feel such a strong re-conviction of my testimony. Sealings are especially wonderful to go to because it really reiterates that the entire gospel is about families being eternal-which is what I constantly think about. Jarod and I also decided we wanted to move Hope home to Quincy the weekend we were down there. The funeral home we have worked with for everything has been fantastic (Serenicare), their fees are extremely low but their services are above and beyond. They helped us set everything up and we brought Hope home with us. I really didn't like having her down in Utah and not being able to visit her grave, and we know that no matter where we go in the future we will always be coming back to Quincy to visit so we decided this was the best place to bring her. We purchased a plot next to my grandparents (and eventually parents) graves and dedicated her grave on Tuesday. It was so emotional to see her little casket again and know this she is not here to be with us. It was a bittersweet moment at the cemetery with Jarod dedicating her new grave. We still miss her so much and think about her every second of every day. In addition to all of this, Hope would have been 18 months old next Monday. I keep thinking about how she would be old enough to start nursery this month-wow. I still wonder what her personality would have been like and what she would have looked like by now. We are so happy we have Belle with us but it makes us realize even more what we missed with Hope. I am so glad for the gospel in our lives and for this Easter season that we get to reflect upon our Savior and what he did for us so we can return to our Heavenly Father and be families forever.