Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
to all our friends and family.
We have been enjoying living in Quincy this past year. We have yet to do any substantial projects around our house but this next year promises to bring a lot of remodeling (we hope anyway). Belle will be turning 2 in just a few more days and is quite the whirlwind at our house carving paths of destruction all along her way. She also brings lots of hugs and kisses, bedtime snuggles, and sweet words of “I love you” or “thank you.” She sings and dances throughout the day and is enjoying her new play kitchen Santa brought her. Jarod and Tanya are thrilled to be staying in Quincy permanently. It has been another year of ups and downs with employment but Jarod loves working on the farm and is excited about the opportunities here. Tanya is the Enrichment leader for Relief Society (church women’s group) and has loved planning all the parties and crafts this last year. We are always grateful for this time of year and the peace and joy that we feel in celebrating the birth of Christ. We relish the truth of the gospel and know we will be a family forever. May this next year bring much happiness and joy to your family!
With Love,
The Rollins Family