Saturday, January 19, 2013

Santa & Sledding

At the ward Christmas party Belle got to meet Santa.  She has been very excited about Santa this year and talking about how "maybe Santa will get me a bike" for like the last 3 months.  Once she Santa in person, not so excited.  She would not get very close and was clinging to Jarod.


For Christmas Eve we went to Chewelah this year.  There was so much snow.  You can see Jarod's parents house in the background.  There was at least 2 feet of snow.  We took Belle out sledding and found a little 10 foot long run for her to sled down.  She loved it so much and wanted to go and go. We had fun staying in Chewelah and Jarod loved seeing familiar faces at church. We stayed for a few days and came home Christmas Eve so Santa could visit us at our own house. 

One of the best parts of our stay was Belle's story about the snow.  There was a ton of snow hanging precariously off the side of the airplane hanger and when Jarod when inside and slammed the door all the snow fell down with a loud thud.  Belle thought that was great and started saying "whump, whump, whump, and the snow all fell down" over and over and over again.  She was still telling the story weeks later. 
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